Tuesday 19 November | The Minster Building, London
Pram is a commercial Solicitor by training and has over 20 years’ experience developing strategic partnerships with the public sector working across both ‘sides of the table’. He has worked on complex PPP/PFI funded public sector infrastructure projects including Local Asset Backed Vehicles (LABV) focusing on structured private finance. His BSF Commercial Team were recognised with an LGA PPP Team Award 2008 for their early thinking on partnership working with the private sector.
Whist at a Luxembourg based fund he developed the Investment Partnership model, a new form of public private partnership that firmly puts public sector objectives at the heart of delivering residential led regeneration for local communities.
He is currently working as a consultant with Hill Group delivering these Investment Partnerships with a wide range of Councils, including Cambridge, Gravesham, Harlow, South Cambridgeshire and Sovereign, with many more in the pipeline. The first Hill Investment Partnership with Cambridge City Council, set up in 2016, has exceeded the original council target to deliver 500 net new affordable homes and currently is close to exceeding 800 new affordable homes. As well as high quality new affordable homes the Council has also secured 50% of the profit from the joint development of private sale homes as an equal investor. The council is free to invest their profit share in new homes and a focus on passivhaus