Peter Exton, Haringey Council
Peter Exton
head of regeneration
Haringey Council

Peter has worked in housing in one form or another for his whole career, initially on a Council House improvement programme putting indoor bathrooms and kitchens onto the rear of Wolverhampton terraced houses. He trained as a Contracts Manager and Quantity Surveyor first of all for a local builder, before moving into a small Local Authority in Hampshire and starting training as an Architect, eventually finishing this training at the renowned Islington Council Architects Department and North London University.

His first major scheme was an Estate Action scheme of remodelling, insulating and recladding with residents in-situ. Estate Action, HAT, Comprehensive Estate Initiatives, stock transfer programmes across London followed, interspersed with a lot of new build for Local Authorities and RP’s in partnership with the GLA.

This eventually brought him back to Haringey, the intention was to stay a couple of months and set up the new Direct Delivery Programme for Haringey’s first new Council Homes on Council Land at Council Rent for 35 years. Five years later he is back leading the delivery of the largest estate regeneration and biggest Levelling Up Funding Allocation in London.

My Sessions
World cafes: Public sector construction programmes